Frequent Asked Questions
Q: Is It Legal?
A: Yes, each state has their own laws and statutes that outline what must be done in order to conduct a legal raffle. This game of chance has followed all legal regulations so as to be in accord with Florida State Law.
Q: Can Foster Families of America, Inc., help me raffle my home?
A: No, Foster Families of America, Inc. is sponsoring this raffle and will not be able to assist you in raffling your home or property.
Q: I dont really want or need a house in Florida, can I get money instead?
A: Yes, you can donate the home back to Foster Families of America, Inc to be re-raffled and you will be entitled to the appraised value.
Q: What are the odds of winning the raffle?
A: The odds of winning depend upon the number of eligible entries received for the applicable drawing. There are a total of 61 prizes and only 6,000 tickets will be sold.
Many people spend $5 a day on lottery tickets in the hopes of winning the big one. Some people only play their state lotto when the drawing is big. Even though the odds of winning are normally millions to 1, people still buy them.
The odds are much better than any lotto game in the country. And, if you wanted to increase your chances to win on this raffle, simply acquire more tickets. Keep in mind, when you win, the house is yours mortgage free!
Q: How can I enter for a chance to win?
A: Click GET YOUR TICKET and follow the on-screen instructions.
Q: Must I be present at the drawing to win?
A: No, if the winner is not present he or she will be notified with all forms of contact information provided.
Q: When will the drawing be held?
A: As soon as all tickets have been sold or on June 01, 2010.
Q: Where will the raffle be held?
A: The drawing location will be at the property location, 218 Betty Road, Pensacola, Fl. All entries will be notified via email as well as posted here on this website.
Q: Who handles the transaction and closing?
A: Key Title Settlement Services 2629 Creighton Road Ste 3., Pensacola, FL
Q: Who pays the closing costs?
A: All closing costs are paid by the raffle.
Q: Will I have to pay taxes on the winnings?
A: A W-9 form must be completed by the winner.
Q: Where is the money held until the drawing?
A: In an escrow account until the title transfer takes place.
Q: Will I receive a refund if all the drawing does not take place?
A: Yes, all funds will be returned electronically to your method payment.
Q: What are the annual property taxes?
A: The Property does not currently receive the homestead discount and the annual taxes are 962.60. If the winner should claim the property as a primary residence the taxes will be substantially lower. If the winner decides to rent home out to tenants or use as 2nd home this would be the correct tax amount based on current assessments.
Q: Can I see inside the home?
A: Vacant homes are a liability for insurance and investment purposes. The home is currently occupied by caretakers appointed by Raffle Coordinators, who will vacate property prior to transfer. They have accepted this responsibility and we request you respect this as their privacy and view the pictures of the home we have made available.
Q: How to contact FloridaHomeRaffles.com staff?
A: Florida Home Raffles, LLC. 7150 Tippin Avenue. MS# 10452. Pensacola, Florida 32542.
(850) 725-0334